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Yoga Sequence

Start with three long breaths -  Ujjayi or Pranayama breathing 1. Half Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation (repeat in between poses): Inhale into Tadasana - Mountain Pose  on an exhale move into Padahastasana - standing forward bend Inhale into Half way lift Exhale back down to Standing Forward Bend Inhale back up into Tadasana Exhale hands in prayer through to heart center. 2. Inhale into Tadasana While in Tadasana grab one wrist with the other hand, exhale into Ardha-Chandrasana - Bikram Half Moon Pose Hold for two breaths. On an inhale come back to Tadasana Repeat Half Moon pose on the other side Inhale back into Tadasana Exhale hands through heart center. 3. Inhale into Tadasana on an exhale move into Padahastasana - standing forward bend While in standing forward bend, practice a twist. Revolved Padahastasana  Inhale right hand in front of right foot. Bend right knee. On an exhale Bring left arm straight up, lengthen your ...

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